
Delays are an important aspect of botting that are often overlooked. We will explain the best practices for botting and manual users. These are just recommendations, and you should read over your bot's guide too.

What are Gmails

Gmails are simply Gmail accounts. You probably have one that you use daily, and that is probably good enough if you are a manual user.

Why do they matter

Gmails are very important on Shopify Supreme, and Yeezysupply. These sites have Captchas. reCaptcha is a Google product, and Google allows users to bypass the Captcha if the Gmail is trusted enough. This greatly speeds up the manual and bot checkout process.

Do I need to buy them

If you are a manual user, and you have a personal Gmail account, then probably not. Check your reCaptcha V3 score here, and if it says 0.9 then you are set. If not, you can either farm them, or buy aged gmails.

If you are a bot user, you most likely need to buy more Gmails. You can read more about the importance of them above and here. They allow for more tasks to be ran, which leads to more success.

Where do I buy them

You can purchase 2008 aged gmails in #gmails for only $5. I recommend having atleast 3 quality gmails, whether they are your own or purchased.

Last updated