How we cop

Depending on the release, the way we cop is very different.

Very limited releases - These releases often have the highest resale value, but are the hardest to get. They are almost always luck based and tend to be limited to raffles and a few FCFS (First Come First Serve) sites. Bots will be used, but the chance at copping is very low. An example of this is a Travis Scott Jordan. General releases (GR) - These shoes tend to have the highest (or unlimited) stock, but lower resell. You can think of a GR release as something that is generally available to everyone. An example of this is a normal UltraBoost.

What we aim for - At Steady Soles, we specialize in the shoes that are not GR releases, but not very limited as well. These releases are easy to obtain, but have good resell. These shoes tend to be Jordans and Yeezys (as well as lowkey flips). Most Jordans and Yeezys that release today have decent stock, so you can cop manually and with bots. However, there is so much demand for these shoes, that the high stock doesn't really hurt the resell price. There is room to make anywhere between $20-$200 on these easy-to-cop shoes. If you cop 10 pairs, that is anywhere from $200-$2000 profit on one release.

Whether or not you have a bot does not matter when you join. Botting and going manual can both be very profitable when executed right. We recommend starting off manual and taking advantage of our free Autocheckout Slots, before moving on to botting.

Check out the Bots section of this guide to learn about them.

Last updated