
What is jigging?

Jigging is a method of masking your info in order to get multiple items. If you use the same info for multiple orders you might get canceled or banned. Jigging is where you modify the info to make it seem different to bot protection. #email-changer and #address-jigger will help you do this.

How to Jig

  1. Collect your family/friends info that can be used to checkout. You will need Name, mobile, email, address, postal code, and sometimes id number. Try to get as much as possible, the more info, the more possible successful checkouts. Note: You can make an excel or google sheet to help organize all the info, I suggest setting a password on it so people can't steal any info.

  2. Set up emails with a catchall or alternatively use friends and family’s emails.

  3. Utilize #email-changer and #address-jigger.

To set up email forwarding

  • Open Gmail

  • Click on settings

  • Click on forwarding

  • Add email Confirm

  • Confirm Forwarding

  • Save Changes

Address Jigging

To jig your address you must make variants of your address to make it appear different even though it is the same. IF done correctly it will not affect delivery.

*We will not be held accountable for any lost items due to jigging. Please be careful!

Examples: original is 1111 SteadySoles Avenue

1st Example (Add something to address line 2)

Address Line 1 - 1111 SteadySoles Avenue

Address Line 2 - Apt 1

*Do not add 2nd address line if you already have a 2nd address line

2nd Example (Add random letters to address line 1)

XHJK 1111 SteadySoles Avenue

3rd Example (Misspelling or abbreviations)

1111 SteadySoles Ave

Email Jigging

To jig an email address, all you have to do is change a few small aspects of the email.

Examples: original is steadysoles@gmail.com

1st Example (dot trick)



2nd Example (+ trick)




Last updated