Autocheckout Slots

What are Autocheckout Slots?

Autocheckout Slots essentially allow you to utilize a bot without having one. We post slot forms for almost every release in the discord. You will be prompted to fill out everything you would normally at checkout. Once you fill out the form, it gets loaded into our bots where we run your info on sites. Your info is kept secure and deleted immediately after each release. If your slot is successful, you will only be charged retail + shipping/tax (if applicable).

How will they help me?

These slots will allow you to secure pairs that you probably would not have been able to without them. Because of our slots, members have even hit upwards of 50 pairs on a singular release!

Where can I get them?

We provide free Autocheckout Slots for almost every release. They can be found in #autocheckout-s1ots. Forms are usually posted at least a day before release!

Do they actually work?

Yes, they do! Depending on the release, success varies, but we always hit at least a few pairs for members. On Jordan and Yeezy releases, we have a VERY high success rate. For example, we hit 100% of Yeezy Zyon and Jordan 12 Indigo slots.

Why would you run slots if you could just buy the pairs yourself?

If I had the money/cards/addresses to cop hundreds or thousands of pairs a release, I would. I have the botting resources to do so, so I help you guys cook as well! These slots come free as a part of your membership!

*please refrain from saying 'Slots' or 'Autocheckout'. Please say 'S1ot', 'Sloth', or 'ACO' instead. Discord has banned accounts in the past for saying these phrases.

Last updated